Free Access Policy and archiving

The scientific and informational journal "Military Institute of Land Forces Bulletin" provides open access to its content on the journal official website that provides world scientific community wider information access to the journal.

The journal is addressed to the military professorial and teaching staff, doctoral students, undergraduates and cadets of domestic and foreign military universities interested in fundamental and applied research used in the military education field.

Conditions manuscript publication:

In order to publish the manuscript in the scientific and information journal "Military Institute of Land Forces Bulletin" the research paper should not be previously published in other languages, as well as correspond to the journal thematic areasand strictlydesigned according to the requirements.

The research paper manuscript should be submitted to the journal editorial office by the author for correspondence (determined among the manuscript authors if there are 2 or more co-authors) at least a month before the next journal will be published. The manuscript must be uploaded via the electronic platform by the author for correspondence with indication all data of the research paper and its authors.

At the work with the manuscript, communication between the editorial board, the author for correspondence and reviewers is carried out via e-mail.

The journal editorial board consider the manuscripts received from the author/authors, organizes their review and makes a decision on publication or refusal to publish within two weeks from the date of manuscript receipt via an electronic platform.


Checking for plagiarism:

The scientific and information journal "Military Institute of Land Forces Bulletin" editorial board checks for the presence of a borrowed text in the manuscriptduring review a manuscript for compliance with formal requirements (manuscript design). Only original manuscripts and/or those manuscripts wherethe originality is more than 75% according to the results of verification through the anti-plagiarism systemare sent for further review.If the authors used the works, articles, provisions, or quotations and statements of other researchers when writing the manuscript, they must necessarily give the credits to the works and correctly issue the citation.