Direction of research and innovation in modern psychology (from the experience of foreign research)
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новые современные психологические исследования, инновационный потенциал, направления исследований в Африке, Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе, когнитивно-поведенческая психология, интеграция науки, образования и производства.

How to Cite

С.К. Бердібаева, Б.Ш. Ибатулин, А.Х. Кукубаева, & Н.Г. Нурсеитов. (2024). Direction of research and innovation in modern psychology (from the experience of foreign research). The Proceeding "Bulletin MILF", (58), 68–84.


     The article creates a comparative intellectual platform by analyzing research in modern psychology. It is analyzed that analysis of the direction of new foreign modern research is the basis for increasing the intellectual potential of Kazakhstani psychological science. Modern professional research in the new direction of psychological science, research familiar from the results of scientific activity, are examined in detail. It can be noted that almost all the psychological research discussed in the article at congresses and conferences are studies that fully cover the social sphere and the requirements of the time.

     Foreign research is largely related to effective scientific research in Kazakhstan in the direction of developing the integration of science and knowledge, production in accordance with the requirements of new times.      The article presents the foundations of world scientific psychological research, which determine the direction of our research, and analyzes scientific research on the Asian continents and the Pacific Ocean.

     The authors discuss their research at cognitive behavioral psychology conferences in Singapore, reviewing research from world congresses in Africa, Japan and the prestigious Global Science Technology Forum (GSTF) in Singapore, while witnessing conferences held by that organization.    The authors summarize their thoughts that by familiarizing ourselves with many innovation studies, we can increase our own innovation potential.
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