The relationship of economic behavior and stress (for example of receiving a loan)
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экономикалық мінез-құлық, экономикалық сана, стресс, қаржылық стресс, қаржылық сауаттылық, несие, ақшаға деген көзқарас

How to Cite

С.К. Бердібаева, Б.Ш. Ибатулин, A. Рахымжан, & К.Ш. Нурмухаметова. (2024). The relationship of economic behavior and stress (for example of receiving a loan). The Proceeding "Bulletin MILF", 1(57), 54–67.


           In modern Kazakh society, the issue of borrowing is one of the most pressing topics. Due to the current socio-economic conditions, ordinary people resort to loans and are unable to pay debts due to layoffs and decreased ability to work due to a sharp deterioration in health.

          Stress is a special mental state associated with the emergence and manifestation of emotions, but it is characteristic not only of emotional phenomena, but also manifests itself in motivational, cognitive, voluntary behavior and other components of a person. From a psychological point of view, credit stress is a very difficult situation; it is an increase in negative emotions associated with money.

           The inability to repay a loan negatively affects a person’s psychological world, since a person is constantly in a state of fear and refuses to buy the desired thing because he has a loan debt that needs to be paid off.

           Today, credit allows consumers, especially young people, to easily borrow money to meet their shopping needs and desires. Having taken out a loan, young people feel one step closer to their dream and do not understand how they fell into the temptation of a loan in the future.

          In a study with the aim of experimentally studying the occurrence of stress in young people during credit debt, the following hypothesis was formulated: a low level of economic behavior and in order to satisfy the typical needs of young people, they take out a loan at an incomprehensible level, with emotional arousal, and as a result, they experience stress.

            In the course of studying the characteristics of the manifestation of stress in young people with credit debt, the following conclusions were confirmed:

  1. Young people always worry about their well-being, dream about what money can buy, think that they will get less than they deserve, and consider themselves inferior to people who earn more than them.
  2. People believe that money will solve all their problems, they see little money no matter how much they save, they do not approve of lending money, they prefer a weekly salary to a monthly one. He does not prefer to control other people with money, and does not consider money to be a value that he can be proud of.
  3. Since the problem of stress is one of the most pressing topics in our time, the level of stress can be high not only among young people with a loan, but not only due to the influence of the loan, but also due to other external factors. factors. The stress level of young people with loans was higher (by 9.8 points) than the stress level of young people without loans.
  4. In many cases, it is not important for our young people to be among their peers; they do not prefer to take out a loan for education; according to young people, a person is influenced by his social status in society.
  5. Parents should develop their child’s financial literacy so that in the future his attitude towards money and ability to manage it are interconnected. Increasing financial literacy means explaining the practical benefits of financial planning and creating a sense of personal responsibility for financial decisions.
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