# Conference section Secretary e-mail
1. National security Adylkhanov H.S. nauka.visv@gmail.com
2. Natural and technical sciences Chernov V.N.
3. Social and humanitarian
Conference languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.
Participation: full-time, correspondence (absentee participation) and online.
The conference starts at 10:00 a.m.
Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. (time of Nur-Sultan city)
Venue: the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Krasnogorskaya Street 4,
Military Institute of Land Forces named after Sagadat Nurmagambetov.
An application form for participation and the research paper should be sent in
Word by April 1, 2023 to the e-mail of the organizing committee:
nauka.visv@gmail.com with a note for an international conference.
Research papers will be published in the Conference materials collection by
the end of conference on the web-side http://www.visv.kz.
Participation in the conference is free of charge.
Travel expenses are paid by contributing party.
Application form for participation
in the international scientific and practical conference
"Military science development topical issues"
Participant First name аnd Last name
Position, academic title and degree, Military
(special) rank
The research paper title
The institution full title
Contact number
Section for participation
Participation form
Individual identification number, number of ID,
when and by which authority was issued (only
for full-time participants).
Copy of passport for international participants.
Responsible for conference
m.s.c., РhD colonel Kadirkulov Sh.K.
The Republic of Kazakhstan, 050035, Almaty city, Krasnogorskaya Street 4,
Military Institute of Land Forces named after Sagadat Nurmagambetov, scientificresearch department
Phone numbers for inquiries: (mobile communication code 877807) 27758,
fax 8 (727) 290 17 48. e-mail: nauka.visv@gmail.com
Requirements for research papers:
1. The research paper in A4 format are typed in Microsoft Word 1997-2003
text editor, Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing - single, width alignment,
paragraph indentation - 1.25 cm, margins: left - 3cm, right - 1.5 cm, top and bottom
- 2 cm, without hyphenation. The recommended volume is no more than 7 pages of
typewritten text in electronic form.
2. Application for participation and research paper should be sent in one file.
The file should be named with the Last name of the author(s) and the short name of
the university (organization), number of section - for example,
3. The author(s) First name and Last name are to be placed in the center of the
page. Next line are to contain the title of institution, position, military (special) rank,
academic title and degree, country and city.
The research paper title is written in capital letters are placed over the line,
then the abstract (40-60 words) and keywords are typed in the language of the
research paper, then over the line the main text should be typed. After the research
paper, the REFERENCE is indicated in the order of citation. After the REFERENCE
the abstract and keywords should be given in English.
If the research paper is presented in English, the abstract and key words are
given only in English.
Pictures, tables and graphs should be drawn up according to the requirements
of SES 7.1-2003.
References to sources should be given in the text: the number in the list of
references and the page are indicated in square brackets (for example: [1; p.77]).
The conference materials will be typed by copying from the electronic version
of the authors, in this regard, the text of the research paper should be carefully
verified and edited, in compliance with the above requirements.
Materials submitted later than the deadline will not be considered.
The research paper design example
1Military Institute of Land Forces named after Sagadat Nurmagambetov,
the head of scientific-research department,
colonel, doctor of pedagogical sciences,
the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city,
Abstract (100-120 words, on language of the research paper)
Keywords (on language of the research paper)
Text of the research paper
Abstract and Keywords (in English)
Organizing committee
February 27, 2023