The literary legacy and feats of B. Momyshuly have attracted the attention of many researchers for a long time. The creative image of B. Momyshuly was described in numerous artworks, scientific publications and monographs. Those artworks also give an analysis of his contribution to the development of Kazakh spirituality. However, the fact that B. Momyshuly was the first hero of artwork in the Kazakh literature is not particularly indicated. The article demonstrates that B. Momyshuly was represented in all genres as an artistic character; therefore, he took place in the Golden Fund of National literature. The image of the Batyr is analyzed in prose, poetry, drama and, especially in legends and stories. The creative life of B. Momyshuly began in 1942 during the battle for Moscow when he met writer A.Bek. The novel "Arpalys" was published as a result of creative collaboration. In 1942, the classic of Kazakh literature M. Auezov was inspired by the feat and courage of B. Momyshuly and wrote the play "Namys guardiyasy" while he was in Kazakhstan. In 1943, when B. Momyshuly was in the hospital, he was visited by the famous poet G.Ormanov. The poet was inspired by the exploits of the hero and wrote the poem "Polkovnikke". Hence, all the above artworks were written in the first months and years of the War. This essay gives an analysis for that works and provides with evidence that the hero (B. Momyshuly) became the first character of military literature in fiction.