Modeling the role of the military in settling political conflicts in Kazakhstan
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қарулы күштер, жанжалдар, мемлекеттік саясат, модельдеу, геополитика, жаһандану.

How to Cite

О.Е. Ыскак, & А.А. Сисатов. (2023). Modeling the role of the military in settling political conflicts in Kazakhstan. The Proceeding "Bulletin MILF", (54), 52–60.


This article describes the function of the armed forces necessary for society, which can
become the main guarantee of maintaining independence in the settlement of state conflicts, the
implementation of measures to prevent riots. Due to the lack of local law enforcement agencies in
the suppression of many internal coups, the armed forces guarding the borders and integrity of the
republic can be immediately mobilized to normalize domestic politics. True, the more developed the
army, the higher the guarantee of reliability due to the independence of this country.To maintain the
quality level of military resources, it is better to model them according to the principles of their
performance. We can give an objective assessment of the role of the country's armed forces in the
new Kazakhstan only in the process of modeling.
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